Welcome to earth

Nerd is the word.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I went to Ottawa a couple of days ago. I stayed with my uncle Doug, aunt Evelyn, and my cousins Felix and Gabriel. We went to the museum of natural history and looked at the exhibits for ocean life, birds and minerals. We had a lovely time even though I consumed about six pieces of yummy cheesecake. Here are some pictures for you. I took the pictures on my ipod, so they are pretty craptacular.

My whale stamp. If I had to get a tattoo (which I have no intention to do), then this would be it.

Stairway to heaven. Kind of. 
Puffin. Yes. A puffin.
Bird show. I felt bad for all those dead birds. Thinking 
that people are putting carcasses on display kind of grosses me out.

This bird is male. Can you believe that? 
I way 23 ducks.
and 1833 hummingbirds.

Bubble rock. I thought it looked pretty darn cool.
The building from the outside.

I spent around fifteen minutes trying to get a decent photo of this fish with my crappy Ipod Camera.

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