Ringo Starr was freaking put in jail. For flipping out at a U.S restaurant called BJ's. Daym. They freaking tasered him!
This is what they said;
"Former Beatles Drummer Ringo Starr was arrested in Houston, Texas this weekend after an incident in a local restaurant.
Starr was enjoying a meal with his wife, Barbara Bach, and a small group of friends at the chain restaurant, BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse last Friday night. The staff called police after Starr became loud and belligerent when he was asked to sign his credit slip.
“He just started rambling, ‘Peace and love. Peace and looooove. No more autographs after the 20th of October. It’s gonna be tossed. Check the date.’ and then he tore up the check,” says BJ’s employee, Mark Johnson. “Then he started climbing onto the table and kicking the salt and pepper shakers.”
Pamela MacComber, the manager of the restaurant had had enough. “A server got some salt in her eye, so we knew it was time to call the authorities. After that, it was out of our hands.”
“Mr. Starkey was uncooperative with Houston P.D. when they attempted to remove him from the restaurant,” says a police spokesperson. “Officers on the scene decided that they had no other choice than use a Taser on Mr. Starkey in hopes of preventing him from injuring other patrons or himself.”
Starr was booked into Harris County Jail under suspicion of assault. His bail was set at ten thousand dollars.
Representatives for Mr. Starr posted bail for the ex-Beatle. They say he is resting comfortably in a Houston-area hotel, awaiting his arraignment in court later this week."
Oh dear lord. Ringo. They Tasered him! And the fact that he was rambling 'Peace and love.... peace and looooooove' makes it so much worse.
So, next time you go to BJ's and see a sign that says 'Ringo Starr got tasered in this restaurant' you better believe it.
Welcome to earth
Nerd is the word.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
My magnificent weekend; Ooh la la music cake
Well, this weekend was quite enjoyable. I went to my friend Charlotte's house and met Anwyn there as well, and then had a birthday party for every musician we could think of. We then were very nerdy and actually baked them a cake and put all of their names on it. Wow. We were geniuses. We went and bought pink icing at foodland and saw two cute little mallard ducks, I actually managed to take a picture of them before they waddled off. Canada must be really boring, I just realized, because people get really over-exited because of ducks. But, I must say, they were really cute ducks.
These are a bunch of wonderful photos of us baking a cake, and ducks.
See what I mean about the wonderful ducks?
Anyway, then we bought the icing, walked home, Augusta came over, we put on some records, iced the cakes and then...
Also after
The grand finally!
Just to let you know, this is what it says on our cakes....
Cake #1
Johny, Paulie, George, Ringo, Roger, Pete, Moonie, John, Julian, Fab, Albert, Nick, Robert, John Paul, Bonzo, Jimmy, Kurt, Krist, Anwyn, Half of Donovan, Gus.
Cake #2
Mick, Keef, Charlie, Bill, Bowie, Beck, Bobby, Bret, Jemaine, Nikolai, Alex, Matt, Freddie, Syd, Grohl, Jem, Char, and then the last half of Donovan.
Hooray! All done!
Love/Tardis skirt
Oh my lord.... How utterly wonderful. I found this on etsy. 30$. How I love it.
Must. Have. Now.
There were also some pretty flipping awesome Beatle boots. 25$.
I know this has nothing to do with etsy, or doctor who, but it's a great song.
Paul is so beautiful in this. It's a great british song, and quite old,
but then, all of the good songs are british and old.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Oh my goodness gracious....
I got some magazines and a 25 cent book on London, England. Today my teacher showed us her fridge magnet set of Sheakespearien insults. My 3 favorite new insults are "Thou art a mechanical toad minion", "Thou errant hasty-witted bugbear" and "Thou weedy tickle-brained foot-licker". Someone should really use these insults on Rusty Hicks or Steven Harper. Hungry for more? Click here! Wonderful!
Monday, April 16, 2012
I Love My Helmet
I Bought this helmet at 'Green Street' downtown. It's across from no frills and has very tasty helmets. I had a splurge and bought one for (OH MY GOSH) 50$. My excuse; It may save my life someday. I Bought this beautiful british shirt at value village with Anwyn and Augusta. (We had a bus adventure to chapters and ended up trying on hats at value village.) I after that went on a walk with Rhys and Anwyn down by the water and I am very angry at myself because I didn't bring my freaking Camera and it was
AH-MAZ-ING outside. Grrrrrrrr.... Whatever. I'll bring it next time.
AH-MAZ-ING outside. Grrrrrrrr.... Whatever. I'll bring it next time.
It's A 'Nutcase' brand helmet and it is just terribly epic.
You Don't even know.
This is my 5$ Value Village shirt. I love it.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Paul's website
Yesterday I was surfing the web on the phone when I happened upon this wonderful website.
This is Paul's site, and if you click on the link, you will come to a photo collection that's called 'pulling faces' this collection both made me have way less respect for him, and think that he is way cooler at the same time. In lieu of this 'Paul' talk, I have taken a photo of my drawing of him. He is not pulling a face in this one, he is just looking beautiful like Paul is. (By the by, look at the forth pic. Freaking 'the shining' right? Also, he's with fat cops in one of those pictures, I bet they're his buddies)
A wonderful Paul Mccartney song that was also in James Bond.
I don't think that bouncy sort of chorus is in James Bond, though.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Another cruddy day
Third crappy day in a row. Sigh. It's april and the weather is flipping out again. I brought my camera to school and took a bunch gloomy pictures.
This isn't actually at school, but it was in front
of my house, and they just budded.
Yay, artisticly bored me taking pictures of chairs.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Happy easter
My easter was great. How was yours? I must say that this easter fully reached my expectations, candy wise. My family left our house on friday carrying almost no junk food and then left with a bag of mini eggs, chocolate cupcakes, a couple of belgian chocolate chickens, a quarter of my dad's birthday cake, some interesting looking twinkie-eggs, a box of ferraro rocher and to top it off, some kinder eggs with chocolate instead of toys inside them. Needless to say, we did eat most of them in the last 48 hours. I must be about 50% chocolate by now, but of course I still feel the need to eat more.
I stayed with extended family and stayed up until about 12:30pm playing backgammon and watching doctor who. I am fairly surprised that I'm not sick.
I stayed with extended family and stayed up until about 12:30pm playing backgammon and watching doctor who. I am fairly surprised that I'm not sick.
Sorry about the next 4 or 5 pictures. This is just what happens when I'm bored and have chocolate.
This hapless Ferraro Rocher doesn't stand a chance.
The chocolate still hasn't noticed.
Look at this beautiful cupcake! It actually does look kind of crappy, but inside, it's fantastic!
I have 5 of these wonderful, glorious, fattening miniscule cakes! Well, four now....
Monday, April 9, 2012
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